Bob Drake's top-quality cooling system parts for old Ford classic cars, pickup trucks, and hot rods. 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. Many Bob Drake Made parts are Ford Authorized. Hot Rod Universal Parts available as well.
$100 to $499 Products19421942-48 Top Products19431944194519461946-48 Collection19471948All ProductsAll YearsBACK IN STOCKBeltBelt, Fan, PulleyCooling SystemEngineF-SERIESFanFlatheads ForeverPickupTop Products-All YearsWheel
Old, original hubs require regular service and oil to maintain lubrication and smooth operation. Neglecting your original hub is asking for trouble and could...
$100 to $499 ProductsAll ProductsARCHIVE GROUP 1Cooling SystemDAY 5, 12 Days of 12% OFFF-SERIESRadiator, Recovery Tank
High-Performance Dual-Chamber Fluid Cooler The most effective hydraulic fluid & oil cooler available. Transmission fluid, engine oil and power steering fluid all have one...
$100 to $499 ProductsAll ProductsCooling SystemDAY 5, 12 Days of 12% OFFF-SERIESRadiator, Recovery Tank
High-Performance Dual-Chamber Fluid Cooler The most effective hydraulic fluid & oil cooler available. Transmission fluid, engine oil and power steering fluid all have one...
$100 to $499 Products1950195119521953All ProductsAll YearsARCHIVE GROUP 1Cooling SystemEngineWater PumpWaterpumps
Each pair features all-new housings, cast to match the originals with all-new double row ball bearings and ceramic seals. Offers superior function and lifespan over stock units. ...
$100 to $499 Products19461946-48 Collection1947194819491949-59 Top Products1950195119521953All ProductsAll YearsCooling SystemEngineFlatheads ForeverPickupTop Products-All YearsWater PumpWaterpumps
Each pair features all-new housings, cast to match the originals with all-new double row ball bearings and ceramic seals. Offers superior function and lifespan...
$100 to $499 Products1930s1935Air Deflector, PanelAll ProductsCooling SystemDAY 2, 12 Days of 12% OFFExterior & Interior HMFlatheads ForeverGrilleGrille Panel, DeflectorPickupRadiator, Recovery Tank
Perfectly copied in heavy-gauge steel. Includes dual crank holes as original, for use on pickups or bigger trucks having a slightly different engine setting. Comes painted black,...
19461946-48 Collection19471948Air Deflector, PanelAll ProductsAll YearsCooling SystemDAY 2, 12 Days of 12% OFFFlatheads ForeverGrilleGrille Panel, DeflectorRadiator, Recovery Tank
Die stamped steel with "Baked On" black enamel finish or chrome. Helps keep engine cool by directing air through the radiator. Matches exact original...
1930s19372023 Hot Buys Clearance SaleAir Deflector, PanelAll ProductsAll YearsCooling SystemDAY 2, 12 Days of 12% OFFExterior & Interior HMGrilleGrille Panel, DeflectorGrille Support, BraceStation Wagon
Die-stamped steel, painted black. Can be installed without removing grille. Offers needed support while enhancing the look of the grilles’ profile view.This piece is...
1930s19321932 Top Products1933193419351936All ProductsAll YearsBACK IN STOCKCooling SystemEngineFlatheads ForeverHose, ClampRadiator, Recovery TankTop Products-All Years
Replace those old, risky-to-run hoses with a fresh set of worry-free units. Embedded with heat resistant fibers and spiral-wrapped in specially treated chemical resistant...
1930s1933193419351936193719381939All ProductsAll YearsBody PanelBundle And Save!Cooling SystemFirewallFlatheads ForeverPickupPillar, Post, SupportRadiator, Recovery TankStainless SteelStandard
Bundle and Save! Secure your radiator in style with our polished stainless steel Support Rods and connecting Firewall Brackets bundle. Set of two 33...
19461946-48 Collection19471948Air Deflector, PanelAll ProductsAll YearsBACK IN STOCKCooling SystemFlatheads ForeverGrilleGrille Panel, DeflectorRadiator, Recovery Tank
Die stamped steel with "Baked On" black enamel finish. Helps keep engine cool by directing air through the radiator. Matches exact original shape. Black...
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