The flathead engine. The heart and muscle of the traditional hot rod. Bob Drake has created a special category for parts that bring life to the words Flatheads Forever. Stromberg parts as well as our own Drake Made items, many Ford authorized!
All ProductsCarburetorFlatheads ForeverFuel SystemStromberg Parts
The best service kit available for your Stromberg carburetor. Comes with a full gasket kit, Stromberg S-jet inlet valve, accelerator pump check-valve, two idle mixture screws...
All ProductsCarburetorFlatheads ForeverFuel SystemStromberg Parts
The best service kit available for your Stromberg carburetor. Comes with a full gasket kit, Stromberg S-jet inlet valve, accelerator pump check-valve, two idle mixture screws...
1930s1933-34 Top Products1934All ProductsAll YearsCooling SystemDAY 5, 12 Days of 12% OFFFlatheads ForeverRadiator, Recovery TankTop Products-All Years
Includes brass locking plate and gaskets for extra long life. Settle for no less than the best in show-quality chrome, superb detail, perfect fit...
1930s19331933-34 Top ProductsAll ProductsAll YearsCooling SystemDAY 5, 12 Days of 12% OFFFlatheads ForeverRadiator, Recovery TankTop Products-All Years
Settle for no less than the best in show-quality chrome, superb detail, perfect fit and long life. Our 1932-36 caps come with the B-8100-RK...
1932193319341935193619371938193919401940 Headlight Buckets & More1941194219431944194519461946-48 Collection1947194819491950195119521953All ProductsAll YearsBACK IN STOCKCarburetorChargingCoilElectricalEngineFlatheads ForeverStromberg Parts
The perfect ignition coil for classic points ignition system or the upgraded electronic Stromberg e-Fire set up. The Stromberg 44 coil is oil filled...
1942-48 Top Products19461946-48 Collection1947194819491950195119521953All ProductsAll YearsDAY 8, 12 Days of 12% OFFElectricalEngineF1 & F100Flatheads ForeverGauge, InstrumentationInteriorOil SystemPickupTop Products-All Years
Excellent replacement unit designed to match the function of the original.
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