1948 Ford parts. Bob Drake's premium old Ford parts for classic cars, pickup trucks, and hot rods from 1948. Many Bob Drake Made parts are Ford Authorized.
Eliminate loose linkage by replacing brass eyelets and rubber bushings. Complete kit for one car includes special sway tool. This kit works. The brass...
1930s193219331934193519371938193919401940 Headlight Buckets & More1941194219431944194519461946-48 Collection1947194819491950195119521953All ProductsAll YearsDAY 8, 12 Days of 12% OFFEngineFlatheads ForeverHead, Valve Cover
High-quality cadmium-plated hardware. Get your engine back in shape right down to the smallest of details with these high quality washers. Includes 50 washers.
We use the latest technology combined with the highest-grade rubber, correctly molded and contoured to produce ultimate sealing qualities without rubber distortion. This means...
1930s19371937 Top Products19381938 Top Products19391939 Top Products19401940 Headlight Buckets & More1940 Top Products19411941 Top Products19421942-48 Top Products19431944194519461946-48 Collection19471948All ProductsAll YearsPickupShock, SpringSuspensionTop Products-All Years
These rugged, all steel units match the originals in every way. Designed for strength and long life. Replace those worn, sloppy originals and restore...
1930s1933193419351935-36 Top Products19371938193919401940 Headlight Buckets & More1941194219431944194519461946-48 Collection19471948All ProductsAll YearsBrakeClutchDrivetrainPedalPickupTop Products-All Years
Polished stainless steel ring around pedal pad, molded rubber on steel inset. Recessed waffle design face. Includes hardware. Tapered stud for original Ford pedal...
$100 to $499 Products19461946-48 Collection1947194819491949-59 Top Products1950195119521953All ProductsAll YearsCooling SystemEngineFlatheads ForeverPickupTop Products-All YearsWater PumpWaterpumps
Each pair features all-new housings, cast to match the originals with all-new double row ball bearings and ceramic seals. Offers superior function and lifespan...
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